beAds provides effective media solution and reaches millions of mobile customers through online and offline forms.

Reach customers anytime, anywhere
Your customers are everywhere and constantly on the go. With beAds, we offer a mobile advertising solution that brings your brand to customers anywhere, from Online to Offline.

Flexible ads from Offline to Online
Your brand can approach customers not only through traditional advertising but also on online advertising platforms that can reach millions of other mobile users.

Easy management and tracking effectiveness
Ad performance management and tracking systems are updated most frequently in the most user-friendly interface. Control data and quality of your campaigns from all sources online as well as offline.

Efficient across multi-platform media
Reach millions of customer members from various platforms, through the open platform on be application.

Advertising outside a car
A form of mobile communication through which your ads is pasted on our becars which will deliver high efficiency.

Advertising inside a car
Deliver an interactive experience between your customers and your brand during their travel journey.

Easily market your new products to millions of customers on every be's ride.

Online advertising
Frequently reach customers through our technology platform, with products and solutions tailored for each brand. Ads can be shown flexibly right on be application and on every Be's ride.

Billboard Online
Set up reasonable advertising positions right on the map of the be application with optimal cost compared to traditional Billboard.

Hanging Banner
Mobile communication with wide coverage via banner on beBike.
OOH advertising, bus wrap
Roadshow/ Offline Activation
WiFi Marketing
Digital advertising at F&B chains such as Highland, Phúc Long, Passio, KFC,...
Consulting on advertising license.