Reasons why you should consider buying flight tickets on Be app
Friday, 04/16/2021 17:39 (GMT+7)

Fancy buying a flight ticket with affordable price in only few steps? Sounds too good to be true? Not exactly because that’s all what “Flight ticket” feature on Be App offers you. The feature has been launched since January, 2021 and these are the reasons why you should try it as soon as you have a trip to enjoy:
- Super affordable price, flash sales and promotions happening all year around
- Flight and ride combo with beneficial fares
- Minimal difficulty and quick experience with invoice export within 24 hours
- No service fee and no hidden fee.
At the moment, Vietjet Air and Bamboo Airways are the two airlines that have officially landed on Be app. You are free to explore different options that fulfil these criteria:
- Class
- Your departure and arrival
- Price range
- Airlines
In the coming weeks, Be hopes that your experience will be even more positive as there will be more airlines to choose from with promotions and other advantages.
All the exclusive promotions will be updated on Be fanpage so do not forget to keep in touch with us.
You can explore upcoming flights and book yourself a trip HERE.
For any questions and suggestions, please contact Hotline 1900232345 or mailbox [email protected].